c'est le temps du grand ménage, du renouveau, on oublie tout, on efface les mauvais souvenirs. on crée, on rit, on flâne, on danse, on fait des bulles, on peint, on joue... on vit.
spring's here. the sun can barely come through the clouds but it will be here soon, bringing with it some new colours, new textures, a new light.
it's time for the big housework, we forget everything, we erase bad memories. we create, we laught, we stroll, we danse, we make bubbles, we draw, we paint, we play... we just live.
spring's here. the sun can barely come through the clouds but it will be here soon, bringing with it some new colours, new textures, a new light.
it's time for the big housework, we forget everything, we erase bad memories. we create, we laught, we stroll, we danse, we make bubbles, we draw, we paint, we play... we just live.